
God in Himself: Scripture, Metaphysics, and the Task of Christian Theology is unavailable, but you can change that!

This longstanding question has been addressed by Christian theologians throughout the church’s history. Some, such as Thomas Aquinas, argued for the role of natural revelation. Others, including Karl Barth, emphasized the importance of God’s revelation in Jesus Christ and Scripture. Recent theological reflection has also explored the relationship between metaphysical and biblical approaches to...

and developed over time. The Reformed orthodox often distinguish further between theologia ectypa in se (the fullness of theological understanding communicable to creatures from the storehouse of God’s own knowledge) and theologia ectypa in subjecto (the theological understanding actually communicated to and present in diverse human subjects in varying degrees). To clarify that our knowledge of God is entirely dependent on and inadequate to God’s knowledge, the Reformed point out that ecyptal theology
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